
Contents on this page:

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Using this site

Information on this site is managed by the Civil Service Canoe Club ("CSCC").

This website has been tested on a variety of browsers and platforms. It is designed to display with your monitor set at a screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels - or 1024 x 768 pixels for best results - but will generally display without undue difficulty at a screen resolution of 640 x 480 pixels.

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File Formats / Downloading tips

This site uses files of the following types. (Users will need to have the correct software loaded on their machines to make full use of the information available.)


HTML is the basic file format used on the Internet; this page is in HTML format. We aim to make as much information as possible available in this format.

File downloads:

Some information is available for downloading and printing in alternative formats as set out below. We try always to indicate the size of files you may wish/need to download.

In the case of relatively large downloaded files (eg in Adobe Acrobat PDF file logo or MS Word logo format, you may find it useful to save the file directly onto your own PC rather than opening it via your web browser. Using the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser right-click on the link, select "Save Target As", and choose a suitable location on your PC; using the Netscape web browser right-click on the link and choose "Save Link As".


Documents marked Adobe Acrobat PDF file logo are saved in Portable Document Format (PDF). To read them you will need a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. The Acrobat Reader software is available for downloading free of charge.

Viewers with visual difficulties may find it useful to investigate services provided by Adobe to improve the accessibility of Adobe Acrobat documents -


Files marked MS Word logo are saved in Microsoft Word format. This is a widely used word processing package. We use Word 97/2000 format.


Files marked MS Excel logo are saved in Microsoft Excel format. This is a widely used spreadsheet package. We use Excel 97/2000 format.

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If you encounter any technical problems with the site, or find any broken links, please e-mail the CSCC Webmaster.

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Content rating

We have registered this site with the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA).

Internet Content Rating Association